
         常州武进藏书票博物馆开展藏书票公益性活动旨在能搭建一个交流交换和博览的大平台,提供给国内外作者,收藏者,爱好者玩藏书票的方便。 今年是武进藏书票博物馆开馆10周年,为了进一步发展藏书票事业,这次博览交流会与常州市武进区博物馆合作举办,武进区博物馆协办,优秀作品将由武进博物馆永久收藏,这对于藏书票艺术家来说是一件非常有意义的事情。另外弗闲斋在线上开设了票主藏书票馆,永久展示票主藏书票,更进一步突出藏书票社会性的特点。因此请各方人士能积极参与藏书票的活动。 常州武进第八届国际藏书票博览交流会将于2024年10月25-27日在常州武进凤凰谷美术馆,欢迎票友光临。















三,未缴纳注册费的需凭票参加开幕式,参观,观摩,研讨,无底价淘宝,购买,交流等,但不享受缴纳注册费的任何待遇。(由于参加交流会的人比较多,按照规定控制人数,所以需提前报名,凭入场券入场) 需要常州武进国际藏书票博览交流会组委会安排住宿,午餐,晚餐,晚宴的,需在9月1日前预订,因为10月份是旅游旺季,住宿等特别紧张。费用用不着交,来的时候一起缴纳(住宿费必须交到组委会,统一统筹安排,因为下列价格到实际时有差异变化,所以需要微调,特此说明)。




                午餐,晚餐,每顿标准70元(四星级酒店), 晚宴200元(五星级酒店)。






       自驾车:导航“常州市恽南田美术馆” 活动时间:2024年10月25-27。



       各类展览待定。 第八届国际藏书票邀请展(见附件)。





















 一、主题要求:藏书票原作主题:1.中国传统文化(国内各博物馆珍贵藏品、文学作品等) 2.城市记忆(我们儿时的各种游戏与生活场景等) 3.新时代的伟大成就   















      地址:中国常州武进藏书票博物馆延政中大道29号凤凰谷美术馆五楼 邮编:213161 收件人:谢菲洋收 咨询联系人及电话: 谢菲洋 18861253779  王嵘 13564450125  邮箱:gyy501231@sina.com  微信号:gyy-13570 欢迎大家转发,关注,参与,如有更好地建议请联系

The 8th ExlibrisExpo Exchangein Changzhou Wujin Exlibris Museum

Changzhou Wujin Book Collection Museum is committed to building adiversified and inclusive exchange environment to promote the inheritance anddevelopment of book collection art. Through the organization of public welfareactivities, we aim to provide a broad platform for authors, collectors andenthusiasts around the world to promote the exchange and sharing of bookcollections.

On the basis of the 7th Exlibris Expo Exchange, we havelistened deeply to the suggestions and opinions of the participants, and arecommitted to achieving a higher degree of freedom and a more comprehensivebalance in the eighth Exchange. We firmly believe that through our jointefforts and wisdom, Changzhou Wujin Exchange will become one of the bestexchange platforms in the field of international book collection.

The 8th ExlibrisExpo Exchange will be held in Changzhou Wujin Phoenix Valley Art Museum fromOctober 25 to 27, 2024. We are eagerly lookingforward to the visit of the majority of ticket holders to share this feast ofbook ticket art. Let us gather in the beautiful Wujin, Changzhou, and joinhands to create a brilliant future for the art of Exlibiris!


Artdirection unit:

Jiangsu Province Young Artists Association printmaking Art Committee



Wujin cultural broad casting and television press and publicationBureau

Jiangsu University of TechnologyLiu Haisu Art College)

Changzhou Young Artists Association



Wujin academy of painting and calligraphy

Jiangsu University of Technology (Liu Haisu Research Institute)

Yun Nantian Art Gallery

Changzhou Wujin Exlibris Museum

Jiangsu Jinling Cultural Tourism Development Group Co., LTD

Print art committee of Changzhou Young Artists Association


The Contractor:

Changzhou Wujin Museum

Changzhou Banko Culture Communication Co., LTD.

Shanghai Fuxianzhai Book Collection Association, International BookCollection Union,

Shanghai Fuxianzhai Exlibris Society


(anotherco-organizers are being negotiating)


Thenotification of the exchange

1.Time and address

(1) time: 25/10/2024—27/10/2024

10/25: 9:00.a.m----17:00.p.m: registration, arranging the booth andexchange, check in hotel.

10/26: inauguration and visit at 10.a.m, the exchange meeting and theactivity of Taobao in the afternoon.

10/27: Exchange and academic discussion at 10:00.a.m, exchange, techniquedemonstration in the afternoon, dinner at 7:00.p.m.

10/28: visiting the major sights at your own expense, then the exchangeis end. ( The site of Yancheng; Porim-sa; Moon Bay; Tianning Temple; DarlinTemple; The white Dragon View; World Joyland and so on.)
  The arrangement will be revised andadjusted according to the real situation.


(2) address: ChangZhou WuJin Phoenix Valley YanZhengZhong avenue No.29 art galley.

The introduction of the art galley: in total, the art galley hasfive storeys, and every storey’s area is 600 square metres. The bottom layer isthe hall, which can be used to the introduction of open ceremony, exhibition aswell as activities and so on. The second and third floors are the exhibitionrooms, and every exhibition room is neatly 80 meters long. The forth floor isHui Nantian art galley, which displays the works of Mr. Nantian Hui and theintroduction of his lifetime. The fifth floor is the exlibris museum, and thesixth floor is used to the calligraphy’s office and the room to create.

The introduction of Chang Zhou Wu Jin Holiday Hotel(5 star): It isthe biggest branded hotel in Chang Zhou, which have two banqueting halls thatmore than 3000 square meters, and can be used to display various of exhibits aswell as going on different kinds of exchange activities. Meanwhile, this hotelcontains Chinese and Western restaurant, so you can enjoy different kinds offood what you like. The holiday hotel will introduce famous people in art andliterature from elsewhere in order to make the hotel be an Art Hotel.Therefore, welcome different kinds of art exhibition to enter and be stationedin Chang Zhou Wu Jin Holiday Hotel.


2. Thetopic content of exchange

   a.foreign and Chinese famous artists’ exhibition( tentative)

   b.the competition exhibition of exlibris

   c.individual exhibition of foreign and Chinese famous artists( tentative)

   d.No Reserve Auction

   e.the demonstration of exlibris’ technique

   f.the lecture and seminar of exlibris

Introduction: the contents comply with thereal situation.


3.The registration fee of activity

Openings one :20 members, the registration fee is 300 EUR or 350 USD (fee may change according tothe real exchange rate, final deadline for payment: 1stSeptember) who participate in the exchange, and which contains datacharges, lodging, meals, memorial book tickets and so on,(inclouding one commemoratingexlibris of the 7th Exlibris Expo Exchange )

Openings two: Unlimited registration feeof 120 EUR or 140 USD.(Can enjoy the following 1,2,5treatment ,accommodation by yourself . There is no time limit for payment.)


  (1).Everybody can get a handbook of Expo Exchangeand a collection book of Ding Jinsheng’s bookplate and that will be publishedyour personal information in the handbook. (Need to offer one your photo, onepresentation within 200 words and one or two different exlibris works (HDelectronic picture). Please send a Word to our e-mailxfy557@sina.com / gyy501231@sina.com ), thedeadline in on August,2024.

(2).Everybody can get one exlibris which are designed and made bydomestic and foreign artists famous.

(3).Everybody can have booth one, can hang more than 8 exhibits andcan have a set of chairs and tables.

(4) Per person can provide 5 bookplates to participate in Taobaoactivities.

(5).Can attend a dinner party.

NOTE:20 members that paid the registration fee is 300 EUR or 350 USDwould full participate in activties.

Everyone can add the publishing content and pictures. In themeantime, you should increase the fee as follows.


4.All the people who haven’t paid the registration fees canparticipate in the opening, visit, observation, discussion, Taobao withoutreserve, purchase, exchange, etc., but can’t enjoy any treatment for theregistration fees.

If youneed  The Third Organizing Committee(TBD) to arrange accommodation, lunch, dinner, dinner reservations, you need tocontact us in advance before September 1st, because October is thetourist season, accommodation and other special are very busy.When youcome, you will pay for the expenses.


HolidayInn standard room, single room is 400 RMB (preferential price)

GoldenNandu hotel standard room, single room 350 RMB (preferential price)

NewGarden Hotel standard room, single room 250 RMB (preferential price)

Otherhotel rooms, single room 150 RMB (preferential price)

Lunch, dinner,standard 60 RMB per meal.

Dinner 200RMB.

A manualof the 8th exlibris expo exchange (cost price 100 RMB), quantitylimited.

A manualof the 8th exlibris expo exchange, and the souvenirs exlibris (cost price 280 RMB,so everyone can book in advance, limited quantity; planning 20 commemorative bookplates andthat will be provided to the registrants in priority).



Thanksfor participators’ effort in the 7th exlibris expo exchange, to thisend ,the 8th Exlibris Expo Exchange will be held in 2024,and pleasethe exlibris collection organizations give us more supports and helps. Alsoplease the authors , collectors and lovers can actively participate in ,developthe exlibris together.

Time :25-27/10/2024

Location :Phoenix Valley Gallery

Activities : exlibris contest, exhibitions,presentations, seminars, exchange and communication etc..

Exhibition(TBD), if somebody needs a fair exhibition, please contact us and provideexhibits for us.

Sponsor, contractor and co-organizer (TBD)


The ExlibrisCompetition Requirements of the 2024 ChinaExlibrisExpo Exchangein WuJin District of ChangZhou

The 2023China ExlibrisExpo Seminars invites you tocome and join the Exlibriscompetition, the exlibrismeans reading and collection. Weinvite you to attend and communicate directly with other exlibris lovers.

A.      No restriction and limit aboutExlibris’s original theme and creation time. (The competitor can send the magnum opus ofeach  period as it is  thefirst time held such competition)

B.       Entries Requested:

   a.) Exhibition must be applied with X1, X2,X3, X5, X6, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C7, C8, lithograph, leak edition(S1, S2, S3).Computer printing, photography, painting, paper cutting,electrostatic copy,copy, photographic products and similar works will not be accepted; Exlibris submitted at least 4 kinds, 3 piecesof each kind; In order to fully display your exlibris creationand production talent, welcome send more excellent works .

   b.) Entriesmust have a host name and Latin word EXLIBRIS. Universal exlibris will notbe accepted.

   c.) The original ofparticipating exlibris usually less than 17cm and without lining and mounting. The white spacearound in the original must more than 1.5 centimeters, and the work must betidy and no holes. According to international practice, you need to indicatecline to the painting paper from left to right in pencil: format, print number,the subject, author's name, the time to product. The exlibris don't write anything on the back, and keep it clean.

   d.)Entries must be attached with theintroduction of author and collectors, zip code, address and email, and do notpaste on the exlibris.

   e.)The domestic competition exlibris works which is created after 2006must have exact print number. Foreign exlibris which created after 2014 must have theexact numberfor example 1/100

Takingaccount of the sponsors can flow exlibrisbetter, we can better to get help from sponsors in thefuture, and can better to promote the exlibris activities, soplease offer understanding and support.

      f. The works will be not returned, andthe organizers have these rights: exhibition, publishing, collection,publicity, communication, selling, and without payment of royalties. The participantis deemed to agree with the terms.

C.Theway of ranking:

a.) the principle to rank: the principlethat should embody fair, democracy and concentration, and which choose a waythat collectors and organizers combine with professors to form the organizingcommittee to rank.

b.) the number of person to gain prize: b.)the number of person to gain prize: 

The Gold Award: oneaward ; Prize:5000 RMB

The Sliver Award: twoawards; Prize:3000 RMB

The Bronze Award: tenawards; Prize:500 RMB

Excellence Award:twenty awards

  Inaddition, the person who gain prize can get the Certificate of Honor.and yourworks will be treasured by the museum forever.

c.)Those who will be selected into thecompetition will be promulgated the certificate of participating in theexhibition, and can be free to gain a catalogue about the exhibition.

D.Thetime to exhibit: 10(oct)-12(dec)/2024, which istentative and the real date will be informed.

E.Theplace to exhibit: ChangZhou WuJin Phoenix ValleyGallery.

F.Thetime to stop and the place that you send by post.

Time: the worksto take part in the competition that should arrive at the destination before 30/08/2024

In addition,the works what pass the appointed time that can not participate in the ranking,if the time is permitted, the works can participate in exhibition and theprinting catalogue.

Address:Phoenix Valley the fifth floor of art galley, YanZhengZhong avenue No. 29,WuJin District, ChangZhou City, JiangSu Province, China (ChangZhou WuJinExlibris Museum) 中国常州武进藏书票博物馆延政中大道29号凤凰谷美术馆五楼

Zip Code:213161

The phonenumber of the person to receive the package: 18861253779/ 13358176998

E—mail: xfy557@sina.com  Wechat:gyy-13570


Contact name :Giusy Xie (Feiyang) / Rong Wang